Backhome News segment about masonry mass heaters. Happenings include holidays of the week; International Coffee Hour; Big Muddy IMC film; Habitat for Humanity workday; upcoming events for the Iraq War anniversary. News includes composting bill in IL House and Senate; Interior Department will speed up renewables on public land; U.S. House defeated bill to set aside wilderness; ozone pollution increases risk of death; senator seeks to know who leaked Bush’s dirty secrets; top climate scientist James Hansen advocates carbon tax; opposition to cap-and-trade in Senate; world’s water supply at threat; MIT researchers identify potent new greenhouse gas; Greenland ice sheet may be resisting temperature changes; EPA to regulate greenhouse gases; sea levels to surge at least a meter by 2100; EPA to study coal ash; Obama guarantees scientific integrity; seed sales up as Americans garden more; transit ridership hits 5 decade high in 2008.
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