Happenings include a free trip around the sun; Car Free Day; the new moon; Heartland Bioneers coming up in October; Free Film Friday at the Big Muddy IMC; Treesong’s Earth Conscious Revolution book signing at Rosetta Stone Bookstore; In Focus on WSIU TV features local community leaders discussing Civil Rights era; Green Belt Movement speaker comes to Illinois; benefit concert for the Pan American Conservation Association at Hangar 9; and Eyes on the Prize, a local community outreach campaign related to the Civil Rights movement. News includes California suing carmakers over pollution; Supreme Court puts roadless rule back into action; EPA isn’t conducting enviro justice reviews; Big Business acting to fight climate change; Brits ask Exxon to stop lying about the science of climate change; researcher proposes spewing sulphur dioxide into the stratosphere to keep global warming at bay; and Aur and Treesong review other headlines in the news this week.
Your Community Spirit 2006-09-22
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